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Organisation Consultation Date Closes
39 Essex Chambers 39 Essex Street, 'Court of Protection update' (issue 32, April 2013) April 2013
39 Essex Chambers 39 Essex Street, 'Mental Capacity Law Newsletter' (issue 40, December 2013) December 2013
Care Quality Commission CQC, 'CQC to review the use of restraint, prolonged seclusion and segregation for people with mental health problems, a learning disability and/or autism' (3/12/18) 2018-12-03
Community Care Andy McNicholl, 'Court quashes “unlawful” Care Act assessment of learning disabled man' (Community Care, 3/7/17) 2017-07-03
Department of Health and Social Care DHSC, 'Mental Health Act Draft Bill: Impact Assessment' (27/6/22) 2022-06-27
Department of Health and Social Care Form A1: Section 2 - application by nearest relative for admission for assessment
Department of Health and Social Care Form M1: Part 6 - date of reception of a patient in England
Department of Health and Social Care Form M2: Section 25 - report barring discharge by nearest relative
Department of Health and Social Care Ministry of Justice DHSC and MOJ, 'Draft Mental Health Bill: Explanatory Notes' (27/6/22) 2022-06-27
Guardian Rachel Cooke, 'Tavistock trust whistleblower David Bell: ‘I believed I was doing the right thing’' (Guardian, 2/5/21) 2021-05-02
HM Prison and Probation Service HMPPS, 'Information for patients - Decision summaries and victim statements in restricted patient cases' (April 2024) April 2024
HM Prison and Probation Service HMPPS, 'Information for victims - Statements and decision summaries in restricted patient cases' (April 2024) April 2024
Judiciary of England and Wales Court of Protection Court of Protection, 'Visits to P by Judges and Legal Advisors' (The Hon Mr Justice Hayden, 13/3/20) 2020-03-13
Legal Aid Agency Legal Aid Agency, 'Form CW 1&2 MH' (amended v18, August 2023) 2023-08-14
Mental Health Tribunal Upper Tribunal case summary document (January 2016) January 2016
Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice, 'Family Court Statistics Quarterly, England and Wales, April to June 2017' (28/9/17) 2017-09-28
Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice, 'Guidance for social supervisors' (18/3/09) 2009-03-18
Public Health England Public Health England, 'Using electronic cigarettes in NHS mental health organisations' (4/3/20) 2020-03-04
Royal College of Psychiatrists Tribunals Judiciary Mental Health Tribunal RCPsych and Tribunals Judiciary, 'Guidance for Detaining Authorities and Tribunal Panels about medical evidence for First Tier Tribunal - mental health' (April 2019) April 2019


Organisation Consultation Date Closed
Law Commission Law Commission, 'Disabled Children's Social Care' (consultation from 8/10/24 to 20/1/25) 2024-10-08 2025-01-20
Tribunal Procedure Committee Tribunal Procedure Committee, 'Consultation on possible amendments to the power to set-aside a decision' (consultation from 15/5/24 to 7/8/24) 2024-05-15 2024-08-07
Tribunal Procedure Committee TPC, 'Reply to Consultation and Further Consultation on possible amendments to the TPR regarding proposed changes to the way that the FTT decides cases referred to the Tribunal pursuant to s.68 MHA' (consultation from 19/12/23 to 13/2/24) 2023-12-19 2024-02-13
Civil Justice Council Civil Justice Council, 'Procedure for Determining Mental Capacity in Civil Proceedings Working Group: Consultation Paper' (consultation from 15/12/23 to 17/3/24) 2023-12-15 2024-03-17
Tribunal Procedure Committee TPC, 'Consultation on possible amendments to the HESC Rules 2008 regarding proposed changes to the way that the FTT decides cases referred to the Tribunal pursuant to s68 MHA 1983' (consultation from 18/7/23 to 29/8/23) 2023-07-18 2023-08-29
Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice, 'Open Justice: the way forward' (consultation from 11/5/23 to 7/9/23) 2023-05-11 2023-09-07
Tribunal Procedure Committee Tribunal Procedure Committee, 'Possible amendments to the Tribunal Procedure (FTT) (HESC) Rules 2008' (consultation about s2 listing, from 21/6/22 to 16/8/22) 2022-06-21 2022-08-16
Social Work England Social Work England, 'Consultation on new education and training approval standards for approved mental capacity professionals' (consultation from 9/5/22 to 1/8/22) 2022-05-09 2022-08-01
Social Work England Social Work England, 'Consultation on new education and training approval standards for approved mental health professionals' (consultation from 9/5/22 to 1/8/22) 2022-05-09 2022-08-01
Department of Health and Social Care DHSC, 'Changes to the law and guidance about making your own decisions (easy read)' (consultation from 17/3/22 to 14/7/22) 2022-03-17 2022-07-14
Welsh Government Welsh Government, 'Liberty protection safeguards' (consultation from 17/3/22 to 14/7/22) 2022-03-17 2022-07-14
Department of Health and Social Care Ministry of Justice Department for Education Welsh Government DHSC, 'Changes to the MCA Code of Practice and implementation of the LPS' (consultation from 17/3/22 to 14/7/22) 2022-03-17 2022-07-14
Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice, 'Delivering justice for victims: A consultation on improving victims' experiences of the justice system' (consultation from 9/12/21 to 3/2/22) 2021-12-09 2022-02-03
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 'Launch of two-week rapid consultation on remote, hybrid and in-person hearings in the family justice system' (consultation from 10/6/21 to 27/6/21) 2021-06-10 2021-06-27
Department of Health and Social Care DHSC, 'Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Act 2018: statutory guidance for NHS organisations in England and police forces in England and Wales' (consultation from 25/5/21 to 17/8/21) 2021-05-25 2021-08-17
Upper Tribunal Upper Tribunal, 'Consultation paper on access to decisions and reporting in UTAAC' (consultation from 10/5/21 to 1/8/21) 2021-05-10 2021-08-01
Department of Health and Social Care Lord Chancellor's Department Ministry of Justice SSHSC, LC and SSJ, 'Reforming the Mental Health Act' (CP 355, 2021, consultation from 13/1/21 to 21/4/21) 2021-01-13 2021-04-21
Senior President of Tribunals Senior President of Tribunals, 'Proposal to amend Composition Statements' (18/2/20) 2020-02-18 2020-04-14
Tribunal Procedure Committee Tribunal Procedure Committee, 'Consultation on possible amendments to the Tribunal Procedure (First-Tier Tribunal) (Health, Education and Social Care Chamber) Rules 2008 on the timescale for listing Section 2 hearings' (from 11/2/20 to 7/4/20) 2020-02-11 2020-04-07
Sentencing Council Sentencing Council, 'Sentencing offenders with mental health conditions or disorders consultation' (consultation from 9/4/19 to 9/7/19) 2019-04-09 2019-07-09
Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice, 'Revising the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Code of Practice: Call for evidence' (consultation from 24/1/19 to 7/3/19) 2019-01-24 2019-03-07
Home Office Home Office, 'Preventing and tackling forced marriage' (consultation from 15/11/18 to 23/1/19) 2018-11-15 2019-01-23
Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice, 'Reconsideration of Parole Board decisions: Creating a new and open system' (consultation from 28/4/18 to 28/7/18) 2018-04-28 2018-07-28
Tribunal Procedure Committee Tribunal Procedure Committee, 'Proposal to amend the Tribunal Procedure (First-Tier Tribunal) (Health, Education and Social Care Chamber) Rules 2008' (consultation from 22/3/18 to 11/6/18) 2018-03-22 2018-06-10
Joint Committee on Human Rights Joint Committee on Human Rights, 'Reform of the DOLS inquiry' (call for evidence from 9/2/18 to 2/3/18) 2018-02-09 2018-03-02
Department of Health Independent Review of the Mental Health Act 1983 by Simon Wessely (2018) 2017-10-04 2018-12-31
Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice, 'Transforming our justice system' (consultation from 15/9/16 to 27/10/16) 2016-09-15 2016-10-27
College of Policing Consultation on police guidance for mental health 2015-11-11 2016-01-01

Older consultations can be found in the Consultations archive.


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