Welsh Government, 'Liberty protection safeguards' (consultation from 17/3/22 to 14/7/22)

LPS implementation in Wales Welsh consultation. Deadline extended from 7/7/22 to 14/7/22.

Extracts from Gov.wales website

We want your views on the draft Regulations on the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 and Liberty Protection Safeguards.

Consultation description

We are consulting on new regulations which will support the implementation of liberty protection safeguards (LPS).

The new LPS regulations will provide important rights and protections for people who lack the mental capacity to agree to care, support or treatment arrangements, where these arrangements amount to a deprivation of liberty.

Watch our overview animation explaining how the Liberty Protection Safeguards will work and our videos on each of the Regulations for Wales.

Consultation documents [hyperlinks not reproduced here]

Consultation documents

Consultation document, file type: PDF, file size: 1 MB

The Mental Capacity (Deprivation of Liberty: Eligibility to Carry Out Assessments, Make Determinations and Carry O ut Pre Authorisation Reviews) (Wales) Regulations 2022, file type: PDF, file size: 258 KB

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (Independent Mental Capacity Advocates) Wales (Regulations 2022, file type: PDF, file size: 148 KB

The Mental Capacity (Deprivation of Liberty: Training and Criteria for Approval as an Approved Mental Capacity Professional) (Regulations 2022, file type: PDF, file size: 275 KB

The Mental Capacity (Deprivation of Liberty: Monitoring and Reporting) (Wales) Regulations 2022, file type: PDF, file size: 198 KB

Getting it right - Regulations and plans for Wales for the Liberty Protection Safeguards: easy read, file type: PDF, file size: 857 KB

Overview of the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 and the new Liberty Protection Safeguards: easy read, file type: PDF, file size: 383 KB

Summary of the Regulatory Impact Assessment for Regulations for Wales which support the implementation of the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019: easy read, file type: PDF, file size: 2 MB

Getting it right Regulations and plans for Wales for the Liberty Protection Safeguards, file type: PDF, file size: 350 KB

The Liberty Protection Safeguards: workforce plan and training framework, file type: PDF, file size: 526 KB

The Liberty Protection Safeguards: the development of a monitoring and reporting strategy for Wales and a national minimum data set, file type: PDF, file size: 480 KB

Draft explanatory memorandum to Regulations for Wales which support the implementation of the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019, file type: PDF, file size: 1021 KB

Children’s rights impact assessment: Liberty Protection Safeguards, file type: PDF, file size: 984 KB

Equality impact assessment (EIA): Liberty Protection Safeguards, file type: PDF, file size: 1 MB

Welsh language impact assessment, file type: PDF, file size: 564 KB

Liberty Protection Safeguards (the LPS): implementation in Wales - frequently asked questions, file type: PDF, file size: 700 KB


The consultation page was updated on 17/6/22 which presumably is when the deadline was extended from 7/7/22 to 14/7/22.


Download: Link

Type: Consultation🔍

Title: Liberty protection safeguards

Organisation: Welsh Government🔍

Date: 17/3/22🔍

Date closed: 14/7/22🔍

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