Court of Protection

The current Court of Protection was set up under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. It can make decisions on whether people have capacity in relation to particular decisions, make decisions on their behalf, appoint or remove people who make decisions on people's behalf, and make decisions relating to Lasting Powers of Attorney or Enduring Powers of Attorney. On 1/4/09 the COP administration transferred from the OPG to HMCS (now HMCTS).

See also

External links

MOJ website

Judiciary website

Listing Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding cases.

The President and the Judge in Charge of the Court of Protection have determined that it is no longer necessary for all cases where the issue of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding is raised to be heard by a High Court Judge.

The judges at the issuing court based in the Thomas More building of the Royal Courts of Justice will consider whether the issues raised in the case appear to require the consideration of a High Court Judge and allocate the case to the appropriate level of judge accordingly. The question of allocation may be reconsidered if and when further information relevant to the issue arises.

If the judges at Thomas More, or their colleagues in any court on reconsideration of the appropriate level of judge to hear the case, are unclear on whether the case should be heard by a High Court judge, they should seek guidance from the Family Division Liaison Judge for the circuit which will be hearing the case.

This change regarding the listing of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding cases has immediate effect.

Date 15th March 2012.

Litigation friend guidance

Participation of P


Other links

  • Family Law Week:

General press articles following Stoke City Council v Maddocks [2012] EWHC B31 (COP), [2012] MHLO 111 case:


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