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Date Event Description
Date Event Description
2024-10-23 PELT: Becoming a Mental Health Act Administrator - the Basics (online, 23/10/24) The course is designed to equip new or less experienced MHAAs with the tools to do their job effectively. It will assume little or no knowledge of the MHA. Speaker: Peter Edwards. Cost: £125 plus VAT (£150). See PELT website for further details and booking information.
2024-10-30 PELT: Introduction to the MHA, Code and Tribunals (online, 30/10/24) The basic course is for all those who need an understanding of the MHA and Code and how it works in practice. It is aimed at all those whose work involves working with those detained, or who may be detained, under the MHA. Speaker: Peter Edwards. Cost: £125 plus VAT (£150). See PELT website for further details and booking information.
2024-11-06 PELT: Introduction to MCA and Deprivation of Liberty (online, 6/11/24) Intensive introduction to all those who need a basic understanding of the MCA and DOLS. Identifying the ‘decision maker’ as the person responsible for the outcome of that particular decision is the key to lawful decision making on behalf of those who lack capacity. Speaker: Peter Edwards. Cost: £125 plus VAT (£150). See PELT website for further details and booking information.
2024-11-13 PELT: Introduction to COP, including s21A appeals (online, 13/11/24) The Court of Protection has a very wide ambit potential touching the lives of many vulnerable people. DoLS and procedures are authorised or challenged and where arguments about capacity or adult protection and best interests are resolved. It is essential for those working with vulnerable people/safeguarding. Speaker: Peter Edwards. Cost: £125 plus VAT (£150). See PELT website for further details and booking information.
2024-11-20 PELT: Masterclass for MHA Administrators (online, 20/11/24) This course assumes basic knowledge and experience and will examine the many demands of job and provide some effective and legal coping mechanisms. The course will enable a group of experienced MHAAs to get together and share both the demands of the job and some solutions. Speaker: Peter Edwards. Cost: £125 plus VAT (£150). See PELT website for further details and booking information.
2024-11-27 PELT: MHA Masterclass (online, 27/11/24) This course will allow practitioners to reflect and update their practice by ensuring they have an up to date understanding of the law. The contents of the course will be up to date and reflect any changes or significant developments which affect lawful practice. To include relationship between MHA and DoLs. Speaker: Peter Edwards. Cost: £125 plus VAT (£150). See PELT website for further details and booking information.
2024-12-03 PELT: Court of Protection and MCA Masterclass (online, 3/12/24) Reviews recent developments in Court of Protection cases. It will include the latest CoP cases on deprivation of liberty, capacity, health and welfare, legal aid and treatment and what practitioners can learn from these cases that will promote effective and lawful MCA practice. Speakers: Peter Edwards; Sophy Miles, Deputy District Judge of the Court of Protection. Cost: £125 plus VAT (£150). See PELT website for further details and booking information.
2025-04-25 PELT: Becoming a Mental Health Act Administrator - the Basics (online, 25/4/25) The course is designed to equip new or less experienced MHAAs with the tools to do their job effectively. It will assume little or no knowledge of the MHA. Speaker: Peter Edwards. Cost: £125 plus VAT. See PELT website for further details and booking information.
3000 Bond Solon: LPS - What next? (online, any time) This 40 minute free webinar discusses: Where the announcement leaves everyone? What to do now. Who is accountable for the backlog? How the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act should be applied to DoLS. The importance of continuing to build local LPS networks to address the problem of the increasing numbers of people who are being unlawfully deprived of their liberty. Speaker: Max Duddles. See Bond Solon website for further details and booking information.