Independent Mental Health Advocate service

The IMHA service was introduced by the Mental Health Act 2007, coming into force on 3/11/10 in Wales and 1/4/09 in England.

See also

External links

Department of Health

DH "Independent mental health advocates" page

  • Department of Health, 'Liberating the NHS: Legislative framework and next steps' (Cm 7993, 2010) (December 2010). Para 2.53 states: 'Responsibility for commissioning independent mental health advocacy under the Mental Health Act will also move from PCTs to local authorities, together with the role of the supervisory body in respect of hospitals under the Mental Capacity Act deprivation of liberty safeguards. However, owing to its highly specialised nature, mental health advocacy will not be a part of the NHS complaints advocacy services that local authorities will be able to commission from HealthWatch.'


NIMHE: Independent Mental Health Advocacy: Guidance for Commissioners - published 18/12/08

Mental Health Act 1983 IMHA Guidance: Commissioning the IMHA service - Welsh Assembly Government

Rezina Hakim and Tom Pollard, 'Briefing Paper 3: Independent Mental Health Advocacy' (Mental Health Alliance, dated February 2011, published 17/3/11)


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