Administrative Justice and Tribunals Council

The AJTC was created by the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 to replace the Council on Tribunals (and the Scottish Committee of the Council on Tribunals) with a statutory role relating to the oversight of administrative justice system, tribunals and inquiries. It is to be abolished by the Public Bodies Bill 2010-11.

See also

  • Patients' tribunal experiences. AJTC and CQC, 'Patients' experiences of the First-tier Tribunal (Mental Health)' (30/3/11) — The report contains recommendations under the following headings: (1) Referral to lawyers by hospitals; (2) Accreditation of lawyers; (3) Quality checking of lawyers by tribunal panels; (4) Information regarding delays; (5) Management information; (6) Cycle of delay; (7) Care plans and conditions; (8) Training for medical members; (9) Explanations of the purpose of the pre-hearing interview; (10) Timing of the medical examination; (11) Information regarding the hearing; (12) Access to reports; (13) Venue; (14) Opportunity for patients to speak; (15) Order of proceedings; (16) Treating patients appropriately; (17) Written copies of the decision; (18) Further explanations of the decision; (19) Right to appeal; (20) Tribunal decisions; (21) Tribunal’s power to recommend; (22) Information on patients' care; (23) Training in relation to patients with multiple or unusual conditions; (24) Facilities and experts for patient’s multiple or unusual conditions; (25) Future research.

External links

Administrative Justice and Tribunals Council website


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