Practice Statement: Delegation of Functions to Staff and to Registrars on or after 10 June 2014 (10/6/14)
Delegation of functions The Practice Statement sets out the functions which may be carried out by clerks and registrars at the Tribunal secretariat. It replaces Practice Statement: Delegation of functions to staff on or after 2 November 2010 (2/11/10) (2/11/10) and a further direction (dated 14/1/13) in relation to registrars. In force 10/6/14. It was superseded by Practice Statement: Delegation of Functions to Staff and to Registrars on or after 27 April 2015 (27/4/15).
[2014] MHLO 44
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Type: Tribunal guidance🔍
Title: Practice Statement: Delegation of Functions to Staff and to Registrars on or after 10 June 2014
Organisation: Mental Health Tribunal🔍
Date: 10/6/14🔍
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