
Re Ian Brady [2012] MHLO 19 (FTT)

(1) Ian Brady's Mental Health Tribunal hearing will be held on 9/7/12 with a time estimate of 8 days; (2) the hearing at Ashworth will be broadcast at the Civil Justice Centre Manchester where the public and media can observe; (3) in relation to the hearing itself, the public will not be allowed to attend, and the position of the media will be the subject of further directions.

Related judgments

Re Ian Brady [2013] MHLO 89 (FTT)


Re the Application of Ian Brady
Notice to the media

The Tribunal made the following order which contains information for the General Public.

1. The Hearing is listed for Monday 9th July 2012 with a time estimate of 8 days.

2. The Tribunal will convene at Ashworth Hospital and the proceedings will be relayed by Close Circuit Television to the Civil Justice Centre Manchester where members of the General Public (including the media) will be able to observe the proceedings.

3. No member of the General Public will be admitted to the hearing room at Ashworth Hospital. Further consideration is being given to the position of the media’s attendance at Ashworth Hospital and a Direction will be issued as soon as possible.

His Honour Judge Robert K. Atherton
9th March 2012

External link

No Bailii link (neutral citation is unknown or not applicable)

Judiciary website

Wesley Johnson, 'Ian Brady to face mental health tribunal in public' (Independent, 10/3/12)