
Re Ian Brady [2012] MHLO 145 (FTT)

The tribunal's decision is as follows: "The hearing in public of the application by Mr Ian Brady has been re-listed for Monday 17/6/13. The arrangements for the hearing will be the same as those made for the hearing which had to be adjourned last July namely that the Tribunal will hear the case at Ashworth Hospital and it will be relayed to the Civil Justice Centre Manchester for members of the public and press to watch the proceedings. The precise details of those arrangements will be published as soon as possible."

Related judgments

Re Ian Brady [2013] MHLO 89 (FTT)


Re: Ian Brady
Re-listing of hearing

6th December 2012

The hearing in public of the application by Mr Ian Brady has been re-listed for Monday 17th June 2013. The arrangements for the hearing will be the same as those made for the hearing which had to be adjourned last July namely that the Tribunal will hear the case at Ashworth Hospital and it will be relayed to the Civil Justice Centre Manchester for members of the public and press to watch the proceedings. the precise details of those arrangements will be published as soon as possible.

His Honour Judge Robert K. Atherton

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