Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust v William Verden [2022] EWCOP 9
Kidney transplant The Trust originally sought a declaration that it was not in a 17-year-old boy's best interests to undergo a kidney transplant, but by the final hearing could not make its mind up. The court decided that William lacked capacity and that the transplant, with sedation and ventilation post-operatively, was in his best interests.
This case has been summarised on page 19 of 39 Essex Chambers, 'Mental Capacity Report' (issue 121, April 2022).Full judgment: BAILII
- Medical treatment cases🔍
Date: 8/3/22🔍
Court: Court of Protection🔍
Judicial history:
- Arbuthnot🔍
Citation number(s):
What links here:- Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust v Verden [2022] EWCOP 4
- 39 Essex Chambers, 'Mental Capacity Report' (issue 121, April 2022)
Published: 22/7/22 21:20
Cached: 2025-02-15 19:55:40
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