Legal Aid Agency, 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): remote working' (14/4/20)

LAA remote working guidance This web page, which is a sub-page of Legal Aid Agency, 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): Legal Aid Agency contingency response' (18/3/20), includes information on the MHT level 3 fee: "Most Mental Health Tribunal (MHT) hearings will now be heard remotely. We can confirm the MHT Level 3 Fee will be payable where representation is carried out at a remote hearing intended to dispose of a case and would have ordinarily taken place in person."


The level 3 guidance has been in place since 27/3/20: "Most Mental Health Tribunal (MHT) hearings will now be heard remotely. We can confirm the MHT Level 3 Fee will be payable where representation is carried out at a remote hearing intended to dispose of a case and would have ordinarily taken place in person."


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Type: Legal Aid resource🔍 · Coronavirus resource🔍

Title: Coronavirus (COVID-19): remote working

Organisation: Legal Aid Agency🔍

Date: 14/4/20🔍

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