Sentencing Council, 'Manslaughter: Definitive guideline' (published 31/7/18, enforcement date 1/11/18)

Guideline for manslaughter sentencing This document has the following headings: (1) Applicability of guideline; (2) Unlawful act manslaughter; (3) Gross negligence manslaughter; (4) Manslaughter by reason of loss of control; (5) Manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility.

External links

The PDF contains the disclaimer: "For reference only. Please refer to the guideline(s) on the Sentencing Council website..." The following pages are from that website:

Note that amendments to the web pages above are not noted on the web pages... instead they are noted in a separate spreadsheet which can be accessed from the following link:


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Type: Document🔍

Title: Manslaughter: Definitive guideline

Organisation: Sentencing Council🔍

Date: 31/7/18🔍

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