Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council v ZZ [2020] EWHC 185 (Fam)

Withholding life-sustaining treatment from baby "It is impossible not to feel that X's life is one of nothing but suffering. As is set out in the cases above, life itself is precious and there is a very strong presumption in favour of preserving life. But X's life is a truly tragic one and certainly reaches a threshold of intolerability. ... His life expectancy is probably no more than a year on the basis of the literature. ... For all these reasons I am clear that it is not in X's best interests that he should be resuscitated or that he should be given life sustaining treatment."


Full judgment: BAILII


  • Medical treatment cases🔍

Date: 5/2/20🔍

Court: High Court (Family Division)🔍



  • Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council🔍
  • ZZ🔍

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Published: 2/4/20 14:48

Cached: 2024-10-10 02:26:12