
Re P and OM (2008) COP 26/11/08

The Court: (1) granted a worldwide freezing injunction over the assets of a son alleged to have to wrongfully obtained the proceeds of the sale of a house belonging to his incapacitated mother; and (2) made a declaration requiring the son to return his mother, a British citizen now in Guyana, to the United Kingdom for the purposes of assessment of her capacity, inter alia, to make decisions concerning her health and welfare. The Court determined (it appears for the first time) that it had the jurisdiction under paragraph 7 of Schedule 3 to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 to make decisions regarding the health and welfare of an incapacitated adult in a foreign country on the basis that they were habitually resident in England and Wales. [Summary from 39 Essex Street website.]

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Summary on 39 Essex Street website (dead link)