
Re FL; HN v FL and Hampshire CC [2011] EWHC 2894 (COP)

'The primary issues requiring determination by the court were as follows: (1) FL’s capacity to make personal welfare decisions; (2) FL’s mental health needs; (3) FL’s medication; (4) The Z Home’s ability to meet FL’s physical and mental health needs; (5) Whether HN had conducted herself inappropriately or whether such conduct was justified; (6) Whether HCC and or The Z Home conducted themselves inappropriately or whether such conduct was justified; (7) Depending on the outcome of (5) and (6) whether restrictive orders should be made.' 'IPL were permitted to publish details about the case subject to the restrictions in that order.'


Hearing: 27th to 30th September 2011

Before: DJ Ralton

The Applicant appeared in person

Ms Scott Counsel for the First Respondent (on 30th September 2011 only)

Ms Butler-Cole Counsel for the Second Respondent


Thanks to James Batey (Court of Protection) for providing transcript.

External links



Terri Judd, 'Woman's plea for more access to disabled sister rejected by judge' (Independent, 1/10/11)