
Re D; An NHS Trust v D [2012] EWHC 885 (COP), [2012] MHLO 47

(1) P was in a permanent vegetative state so continued medical treatment is of no benefit to him because it is futile. (2) His letter refusing life-sustaining treatment did not comply with the MCA requirements for an advance decision so could not have been relied upon; however, had the evidence on PVS not been clear cut, the judge would have given P's previous wishes and feelings great weight.

Related judgments

Re D (Official Solicitor's costs); An NHS Trust v D [2012] EWHC 886 (COP), [2012] MHLO 48


Re D (withdrawal of treatment) [2012] All ER (D) 163 (Oct)

[2012] EWCOP 885B


Thanks to Alex Ruck Keene (39 Essex Chambers) for providing the judgment.


Thanks to Alex Ruck Keene (39 Essex Chambers) for providing the judgment.

External link



39 Essex Street COP Newsletter#May 2012