
R (Western Health and Social Care Trust) v Secretary of State for Health [2018] NIQB 67

Funding dispute "The impugned determination is that of the [Secretary of State for Health of England and Wales] to the effect that a lady whom I shall describe as CM (aged 32 years) is 'ordinarily resident' in Northern Ireland and has been thus since 2009, with the result that the care management and funding responsibilities for her have fallen on the Trust, rather than [the London Borough of Enfield], since that date. In very brief compass, lying at the heart of this challenge is a funding dispute between the Trust and Enfield."


Full judgment: BAILII


Date: 3/8/18🔍

Court: Northern Ireland High Court🔍




  • Western Health and Social Care Trust🔍
  • Secretary of State for Health🔍
  • London Borough of Enfield🔍

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Published: 23/11/18 14:24

Cached: 2024-12-09 19:47:07