Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Devolution of Policing and Justice Functions) Order 2010

(Redirected from Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Devolution of Policing and Justice Functions) Order 2010/976)
'This Order amends certain statutory provisions and makes other provision in consequence of, or for giving full effect to, the Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Amendment of Schedule 3) Order 2010. That Order amends Schedule 3 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998 so that certain policing and justice matters (as defined in section 4(6) of the 1998 Act) cease to be reserved matters and become transferred matters.' (extract from explanatory note) Amends MHA 1983 s82, s82A, s86 and s139.


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Type: UK Statutory Instrument🔍

Year: 2010🔍

Number: 976

Subject: Legislation amending MHA 1983🔍

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