NHS England, '‘Who Pays’ amendment to the section on ‘persons detained under the Mental Health Act 1983’' (19/4/16)
Aftercare guidance This document discusses 2016 amendments to the Who Pays? guidance.
The PDF was created on 19/4/16 and its internal title is "Executive group meeting paper template". It was downloaded from the ADASS website.
ADASS note
This is the introductory note from the ADASS website:
Updated NHS "Who Pays" S117 Guidance
The latest version of the “Who Pays” guidance is dated August 2013. It is due to be updated in full, during 2016, but new guidance takes effect from 1st April 2016 on who, within the NHS, pays for services for people who need them under S117 of the Mental Health Act 1983.
This paper provides an:
- Update on the progress in reviewing the responsible commissioner ‘Who Pays’ guidance as related to persons detained under the 1983 Mental Health Act, and
- Amendment to the NHS England ‘Who pays? Determining responsibility for payments to providers’ guidance effective from 1st April 2016, with no retrospective impact on existing individuals in receipt of section 117 aftercare services and their commissioners.
See also