Ministry of Justice, 'Discharge Application for Restricted Patients' (v2.1, 24/2/22)

2022-02-24 MOJ Discharge application form v2.1.pdf

Form for requesting MOJ discharge "Please use this form for all forms of discharge (absolute, conditional or lifting the s41 Restriction Order). This form is primarily designed for use by patients’ Responsible Clinicians but can be used by patients themselves or their representatives (Legal or Independent Mental Health Advocates). Please note, however, that the Responsible Clinician’s views on discharge will be sought prior to any decision being made by MHCS." Changes since the 2017 version to the suggested discharge conditions are shown as tracked changes on the MHLO page.

Document versions


Comparison shows changes between 31/3/17 version (left) and 24/2/22 version (right).

Annex A - Examples of ‘standard’ conditions suggested by the First-Tier Tribunal:

1. Reside at [specify address] [24 hour supported/supported/residential accommodation as directed by the RC and social supervisor] [and abide by any rules of the accommodation], and obtain the prior agreement of the responsible clinician and social supervisor for any stay of one or more nights at a different address. NB: The Secretary of State also has a clause whereby the Ministry of Justice should be informed of any change of address at least 14 days prior to the move taking place 2. Allow access to the accommodation, as reasonably required by the responsible clinician and social supervisor. 3. Comply with medication and other medical treatment [and with monitoring as to medication levels] [including… [Specify here any particular non-pharmacological medical treatment]​], as directed by the responsible clinician and social supervisor. 4. Engage with and meet the clinical team, as directed by the responsible clinician and social supervisor. 5. Abstain from alcohol [save as directed by the responsible clinician and social supervisor]. 6. Abstain from illicit drugs and ‘legal highs’. 7. Submit to random drugs and alcohol testing, as directed by the responsible clinician and social supervisor. 8. Not enter the area[s] of [specify general location] as delineated by the zone[s] marked on the map[s] supplied by [specify name of person/organisation producing map] and shown to the Tribunal today, save as agreed in advance by the responsible clinician and social supervisor. 9. Not seek to contact directly or indirectly [specify names]. 10. Disclose to the responsible clinician and social supervisor any developing intimate relationship with any other person. 11. Disclose all pending and current [employment, whether paid or voluntary] [all educational activities] [all community activities] to the responsible clinician and social supervisor.

12. Not leave the UK without the prior agreement of the responsible clinician and social supervisor.
Annex B: Possible Discharge Conditions

The following are examples of conditions which Responsible Clinicians may wish to consider when applying for conditional discharge for their patient. * Reside at [specify address] [24 hour supported/supported/residential accommodation as directed by the RC and social supervisor] [and abide by any rules of the accommodation], and consult with the responsible clinician and social supervisor for any stay of one or more nights at a different address. * NB: The Secretary of State also requires a clause whereby the Ministry of Justice and MAPPA should be informed of any change of address at least 14 days prior to the move taking place * Allow access to the accommodation, as reasonably required by the responsible clinician and social supervisor. * Comply with medication and other medical treatment [and with monitoring as to medication levels] [including… [Specify here any particular non-pharmacological medical treatment]​], as directed by the responsible clinician and social supervisor. * Engage with and meet the clinical team, as directed by the responsible clinician and social supervisor. * Abstain from alcohol [save as directed by the responsible clinician and social supervisor]. * Abstain from illicit drugs. * Submit to random drugs and alcohol testing, as directed by the responsible clinician and social supervisor. * Not to enter the area[s] of [specify general location] as delineated by the zone[s] marked on the map[s] supplied by [specify name of person/organisation producing map] [save as agreed in advance by the responsible clinician and social supervisor]. * Not seek to contact directly or indirectly [specify names or use ‘victim(s) of the index offence’]. * Disclose to the responsible clinician and social supervisor any developing intimate relationship with any other person. * Disclose all pending and current [employment, whether paid or voluntary] [all educational activities] [all community activities] to the responsible clinician and social supervisor.

* Not leave the UK without consulting the responsible clinician and social supervisor.


Word document dated 20/4/22 but filename is 24/4/22 and website still says last updated 26/11/20.


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Type: Form🔍

Title: Discharge Application for Restricted Patients

Organisation: Ministry of Justice🔍

Date: 24/2/22🔍

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