MHT, 'Guidance Booklet: Reports for Mental Health Tribunals' (published 7/9/10, updated 4/4/12)
Reports for tribunals This booklet contains and expands on Practice Direction: Health Education and Social Care Chamber: Mental Health Cases (30/10/08). It was first published on 7/9/10, and was updated on 4/4/12 to reflect changes made by the Tribunal Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2012. It was written before the current Practice Direction on Reports and is no longer available on the website.
See also
Legal Action articles on the required content of social circumstances reports and responsible authority statements, on Tribunal Rules page.
HMCTS, 'T124: Reports for Mental Health Tribunals' (v2, 4/4/12)
Type: Tribunal guidance🔍
Title: Guidance Booklet: Reports for Mental Health Tribunals
Organisation: Mental Health Tribunal🔍
Date: 4/4/12🔍
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