Legal Aid Agency, 'Civil Finance Electronic Handbook' (v3.4, dated 1/8/23)

2023-08-01 LAA Civil Finance Electronic Handbook v3.4.pdf

Certificated work guidance The changes since the previous version, as listed in Appendix 11, are: 1.6 Confirmation added that bills on revoked certificates must be submitted within six years; 3.5 Updated guidance on panel membership enhancement; 6.1 Added guidance on FAS webinar; 6.4 Additional guidance added into final hearing guidance, Added paper hearing guidance, Remove reference to hearing on same day, Added reference to early neutral evaluation hearings, Added guidance on Dispute Resolution Appointment; 6.5 Guidance on calculating remote hearings; 10.1 Updated guidance on admin costs; 10.5 Added reference to appointment and apportionment; 10.17 Updated to reflect new CAFCASS rate for ISW; 10.18 Added guidance where interpreter above codified rate; 10.32 Added new rates for accommodation; 16 Added reference to webinar, Clarified position with initial document request; 16.1 Confirmation that assessment following previous reject where no evidence of work; 21.1 Cross reference to submission of claim within six years; 21.2 Further guidance on client refunds. Document dated 1/8/23 but PDF created on 31/8/23.

Previous versions

Version 3.3 (Sept 2022) existed but the changes only related to the change in Monarch.


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Type: Legal Aid resource🔍

Title: Civil Finance Electronic Handbook

Organisation: Legal Aid Agency🔍

Date: 1/8/23🔍

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