KU v Commissioner of the City of London Police [2023] EWHC 1853 (KB)

Section 136 detention and section 139 leave The police entered the claimant's flat, asked him to enter the corridor, and in the corridor detained him under s136. The claimant sought damages for false imprisonment, arguing that the s136 power had been unlawfully exercised in his flat. The defendant argued that the High Court's s139 leave should be set aside (on the basis that a Master cannot grant leave, or because of procedural failings or impropriety), or that the claim should be struck out (for similar procedural reasons), or that summary judgment should be granted, or that the decision to grant leave was wrong on the merits. The defendant's arguments were unsuccessful.


Full judgment: BAILII


  • Miscellaneous cases🔍

Date: 17/7/23🔍

Court: High Court (King's Bench Division)🔍



  • Commissioner of the City of London Police🔍
  • KU🔍

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Published: 25/7/23 23:22

Cached: 2025-02-11 14:27:33