HMCTS and MOJ, 'Guidance for the conduct of cases before the restricted patient panel' (29/3/16)

2016-03-29 MOJ Protocol - guidance for restricted cases.pdf

Restricted case guidance This document sets out the responsibilities of the MoJ and MHT in the Tribunal procedure. For instance, the protocol provides that no MoJ comments are required in the following circumstances: (1) for initial reports, the MoJ have had the reports for 21 days; (2) for subsequent reports, including addendum and independent reports, the MoJ have received the reports at all.


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Type: Guidance🔍

Title: Guidance for the conduct of cases before the restricted patient panel

Organisation: Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service🔍 · Mental Health Tribunal🔍 · Ministry of Justice🔍 · Mental Health Casework Section🔍

Date: 29/3/16🔍

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