Guardian, 'Allow Huntington's disease sufferer to die, judge rules' (12/2/16)

Huntington's This case involved a man in his 30s in the advanced stages of Huntington’s disease who had repeatedly pulled out a feeding tube attached to his stomach. The Trust applied for a ruling on what treatment would be in his best interests. Having heard evidence from a consultant neurologist (who said that it would not be right, and would be futile, to re-insert the feeding tube), and other evidence, including from relatives, Hayden J concluded that the tube should not be reinserted, even though this would hasten the man’s death.


This case was originally an MHLO as "Re P (Huntingdon's disease patient at Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust) [2016] MHLO 13" but as I never found the judgment, the press article was added to the resources database instead.


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Type: News article🔍

Title: Allow Huntington's disease sufferer to die, judge rules

Organisation: Guardian🔍

Date: 12/2/16🔍

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