

MHA - CTOs - Key documents

When Dave Sheppard retired in 2020 he kindly gave me permission to publish the contents of his website (originally named after his firm, "Dave Sheppard Associates", then called "MHAandMCA"). It is a treasure trove. I've not had time to prepare everything for publication but have put the main headings online: let me know if you would like a copy of anything listed.

s.25A-J, Mental Health Act 1983

Community Treatment Orders, Reference guide (Chapter 26)

Community Treatment Orders, Code of Practice - England (Chapters 29, 32)

Community Treatment Orders, Code of Practice - Wales (Chapters 29, 32)

A guide for practitioners, National Institute for Mental Health in England, October 2008

Frequently asked questions

CTO pathway

Factsheets, Rethink: Mind: Easy read: NIMHE

Patients on CTOs: exemption from prescription charges for medication for mental disorder

Applications or referrals before the First-tier Tribunal (Mental Health)

Options for your Tribunal Referral Hearing: Community Patients (T128), HM Courts & Tribunal Service

Transfer of responsibility of Supervised Community Treatment patients to Scotland

Martin, Deborah, 'Community Treatment Orders: what do they tell us about the exercise of power over the psychiatric patient?', Ph.D., University of Bath

Evaluating the effects of CTOs in England using the Mental Health Minimum Dataset (Current research) [External link]

A pause for thought, Asian Journal of Psychiatry, December 2016

Recall of patients on community treatment orders over three years in the OCTET CTO cohort, BMC Psychiatry, November 2016

Care planning for consumers on community treatment orders, BMC Psychiatry, November 2016

Thinking about community treatment orders: a structured clinical approach to decision-making, Royal College of Psychiatrists, July 2016

Little evidence for CTOs - a battle fought with heavy weapons, Psychiatric Bulletin, June 2016

CTOs in the UK: 5 years on, Psychiatric Bulletin, June 2016

User-Focused Monitoring of Community Treatment Orders in Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea, Advocacy Project, February 2016

Visits to people on longer term community based compulsory treatment orders, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, December 2015

Effect of increased compulsion on readmission to hospital or disengagement from community services, The Lancet, September 2015

Patient, psychiatrist and family carer experiences: Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, December 2014 (external link)

CTOs: background and implications of the OCTET trial, Psychiatric Bulletin, February 2014

Is the bark worse than the bite? Additional conditions used within CTOs, Psychiatric Bulletin, February 2014

Use of CTOs in an inner - London assertive outreach service, Psychiatric Bulletin, February 2014

An exploration of Service User and Practitioner experiences of CTOs, University of Brighton, May 2013 (also Summary )

Community treatment orders for patients with psychosis (OCTET): a randomised controlled trial, The Lancet, March 2013

Community treatment orders: current practice and a framework to aid clinicians, Psychiatric Bulletin, February 2013

The use of CTOs in an intellectual disability service, Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 2013 (external link)

Supervised community treatment: 2-year follow-up study in Suffolk, The Psychiatrist Online, August 2012

Supervised Community Treatment, Mental Health Alliance, August 2010

The supervised community treatment order and the Human Rights Act 1998, Advances in psychiatric treatment, 2010

Community treatment orders are not a good thing, The British Journal of Psychiatry, July 2008

Community Treatment Orders, Journal of Mental Health Law, November 2007

International experiences of using CTOs, Department of Health and Institute of Psychiatry, March 2007

A question of numbers. The potential impact of community-based treatment orders in England and Wales, The King's Fund, September 2005

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