Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council Adult Social Services
Obtain Google Maps directions to the saved coordinates.
Type: Local Authority🔍
Address: Sandwell Enquiry, PO Box 15825, Oldbury, B69 9EL
Telephone: 0121 569 2266 (switchboard) Out of hours: 0121 569 2355
Website: Information required
Most meetings occur at Council House Oldbury or Jack Judge House. To get to either of these buildings with a satnav use B69 3DB. 3 hours' free parking at Sainsbury's.
MHA Office:
Use Sandwell Enquiry details.
Within 2 miles (see grey map markers):
- Hallam Street Hospital (Type: Hospital - NHS Low Secure)
- Sandwell General Hospital (Type: Hospital - NHS)
(no need to log in!)
All contacts can be viewed on the Magic Book main page.
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