Melbury Lodge
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Type: Hospital - NHS🔍
Address: Royal Hampshire County Hospital, Romsey Road, Winchester, Hampshire, SO22 5DG
Email: Information required
Telephone: Main Phone Number: 023 82 310085
Website: Information required
Details: Information required
MHA Office: Information required
Snowdrop Ward:
Snowdrop Ward is a 14-bed short-stay unit for admission, assessment and treatment of older people with functional mental health needs. Visiting hours are usually 2.00pm to 8.00pm and there is a telephone on the ward for patients and visitors (023 82 310084)
Rosemary Ward and Sherwood Ward
Rosemary Ward is a 13 bedded female unit. Sherwood Ward is a 12 bedded Male unit. This Acute Mental Health Wards which provides recovery focused care and treatment for adults who have severe mental illness, and who need their care to be delivered in an inpatient setting. Visiting hours are usually 4.00pm to 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 10.00am to 8.00pm on weekends.
Mother and Baby Unit
Our Mother and Baby Unit is available to women who have severe mental illness from 36 weeks of pregnancy until a child is one year old. Women outside of Hampshire can be referred to the Unit. Visiting hours are usually 11.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 10.00am to 8.00pm on weekends.
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Responsible Authority: Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust🔍
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