

Lakeside Mental Health Unit - West Middlesex Hospital

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Type: Hospital - NHS🔍

Address: Twickenham Rd, Isleworth TW7 6AF

Email: Information required

Telephone: 020 8483 1400 (Reception)

Fax: Information required


Closest train station - Isleworth
Pay car parking outside (pay machines are now in the reception of the main hospital, not in the car park).
Closest Tube station Boston Manor then the E8 bus to the hospital
Twickenham Road is extremely busy during rush hour and it can be quicker to walk to one of hte bus stops on London Road than wait for a bus in the traffic.

MHA Office:

MHAO 02084831416

Ward managers hold details of benefits.


Kestrel Ward 020 8483 1453
Kingfisher Ward 020 8483 1431 [Male Ward - Upstairs]
Finch Ward 020 8483 1437 [Female Ward]
Grosvenor Ward 020 8483 1423 [Female Ward]
Robin Ward 020 8483 1583


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Responsible Authority: West London Mental Health NHS Trust🔍

Please contact me if there are any problems with this page which can't be fixed by simply editing it. Inclusion does not imply recommendation.