Care Act 2014
Section 75 amends MHA 1983 s117 by: (1) defining 'after-care services'; (2) referring to 'ordinarily resident' (rather than 'resident') and providing for disputes to be resolved by the Secretary of State; (3) permitting regulations to deal with top-up fees for preferred accommodation.
External links
- Department of Health, 'Consultation outcome: Updating our care and support system: draft regulations and guidance' (published 6/6/14, updated 23/10/14) . Main consultation page.
- Department of Health, 'Care Act 2014 Part 1: factsheets' (6/6/14, updated 23/10/14) . These factsheets, which set out local authorities' duties and powers, have been updated following the government's response to the consultation on regulations and guidance.
Full text:
Type: UK Public General Act🔍
Year: 2014🔍
Number: 23
Subject: Legislation amending MHA 1983🔍
What links here:
- MHA 1983 s117
- NHS and Community Care Act 1990
- YL v Birmingham City Council [2007] UKHL 27
- Safeguarding adults: a consultation on the review of the ‘No Secrets’ guidance
- Calderdale MBC v AB [2021] EWCOP 56
- R (BG) v Suffolk County Council [2022] EWCA Civ 1047
- R (BG) v Suffolk County Council [2021] EWHC 3368 (Admin)
- R (Worcestershire County Council) v SSHSC [2023] UKSC 31
- Annual Review 2023
- Sammut v Next Steps Mental Healthcare Ltd [2024] EWHC 2265 (KB)
- R (Gould) v Devon County Council [2025] EWHC 96 (Admin)
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