CQC, 'Guidance for SOADs: Consent to treatment and the SOAD role under the revised Mental Health Act' (October 2008)
SOAD guidance "This note provides guidance to Second Opinion Appointed Doctors on the key changes to consent to treatment provisions of the Mental Health Act 1983 as the revisions to that Act are implemented on the 3 November 2008." This MHAC guidance was re-published, then withdrawn, by the CQC.
The document states: "Previously issued by the Mental Health Act Commission October 2008". The CQC replaced the MHAC on 1/4/09. The PDF was created on 19/5/11.
Type: CQC guidance🔍 · MHAC guidance🔍
Title: Guidance for SOADs: Consent to treatment and the SOAD role under the revised Mental Health Act
Organisation: Care Quality Commission🔍 · Mental Health Act Commission🔍
Date: October 2008🔍
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