CM v Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust [2011] UKUT 129 (AAC)
Extract from judgment
“Nature or Degree”
9. The words “nature” and “degree” in section 72(1)(b)(i) are to be read separately so that, for example, even if the degree of mental disorder does not make it appropriate for the patient to be liable to be detained for treatment, the nature of the disorder might make such detention appropriate (R v MHRT ex parte Smith [1998] EWHC 832 Admin).
10. The Code of Practice (2008) suggests (in paragraph 4.3):
- “4.3 The criteria require consideration of both the nature and degree of a patient’s mental disorder. Nature refers to the particular mental disorder from which the patient is suffering, its chronicity, its prognosis, and the patient’s previous response to receiving treatment for the disorder. Degree refers to the current manifestations of the patient’s disorder”.
11. This does not quite reflect what I understand these ordinary words of the English language to mean but I accept this as the basis on which the parties, the expert witnesses and the First-tier Tribunal have dealt with the matter.
12. If the nature of a patient’s illness is such that it will relapse in the absence of medication, then whether the nature is such as to make it appropriate for him to be liable to be detained in hospital for medical treatment depends on an assessment of the probability that he will relapse in the near future if he were free in the community and on whether the evidence is that without being detained in hospital he will not take the medication (Smirek v Williams (200) 1 MHLR 38 – CA; R v MHRT ex parte Moyle [2000] Lloyd’s LR 143 – High Court).
External links
Transcript on Tribunals websiteFull judgment: BAILII
Date: 23/3/11🔍
Court: Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber)🔍
Cited by:
- Levenson🔍
Citation number(s):
What links here:- LW v Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust [2018] UKUT 408 (AAC)
- Jonathan Wilson, 'Mental health: update' (Legal Action, February 2019)
- Section 3: admission for treatment
Published: 30/4/11 16:59
Cached: 2025-02-10 00:36:34