39 Essex Chambers, 'Mental Capacity Report' (issue 122, May 2022)
Mental capacity law newsletter "Highlights this month include: (1) In the Health, Welfare and Deprivation of Liberty Report: Fact-finding in relation to coercive and controlling behaviour; habitual residence; and how recent should evidence be for the deprivation of liberty of a child? (2) In the Property and Affairs Report: The Governments to the ‘Moderninsing Lasting Powers of Attorney’ consultation. (3) In the Practice and Procedure Report: Balancing privacy and open justice; costs of proceedings; and compliance with practice directions. (4) In the Wider Context Report: Mental Health Act reform; COVID-19 in care homes; and MARSIPAN is replaced. (5) In the Scotland Report: The World Congress; the Scott Review; and more on the PKM Litigation and Guardians’ remuneration."
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Type: Newsletter🔍
Title: Mental Capacity Report
Author: Butler-Cole, Victoria🔍 · Allen, Neil🔍 · Kohn, Nicola🔍 · Scott, Katie🔍 · Kelly, Arianna🔍 · Sullivan, Rachel🔍 · David, Stephanie🔍 · Weinberg, Nyasha🔍 · Edwards, Simon🔍 · Ward, Adrian🔍 · Stavert, Jill🔍
Organisation: 39 Essex Chambers🔍
Date: May 2022🔍
Issue: 122
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