Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council (23 010 463) [2024] MHLO 5 (LGSCO)
Clozapine management - MHA assessments Ombudsman's summary: "We uphold Mr X’s complaint about his brother, Mr Y’s, care and treatment. There was a short break in Mr Y’s medication management. We also found Mr X was not informed [as NR] about one of Mr Y’s Mental Health Act assessments. However, we have not found a significant injustice arising from these actions. There was fault with the Trust and the Council’s complaint handling, but sufficient steps have already been taken to address this."
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- Consulting NR🔍
Date: 17/12/24🔍
Court: Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman🔍
- Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council🔍
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Published: 30/1/25 09:41
Cached: 2025-02-07 14:55:17
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