Terri Judd, 'Pensioner 'held prisoner' by local council wins legal victory' (Independent, 8/2/13)

(Redirected from Re P (fair trial); Knowsley MBC v P (2013) MHLO 5 (COP))

Unlawful detention (1) A patient was detained in a psychiatric hospital, then transferred to a psychiatric home; when the six-month section was due to expire, the council obtained a Court of Protection order to prolong detention, without consultation with the patient, her family or her advocate. (2) Peter Jackson J approved a consent order in which the council (a) admitted, in relation to the two months of further detention, violating the patient's Article 5 (liberty), Article 6 (fair trial) and Article 8 (family life) rights, and (b) agreed to pay £6,000 compensation. (3) The patient was allowed home following legal intervention and an occupational therapy assessment. (4) The patient was quoted as saying 'I was held prisoner, it's as simple as that. Even though it's been months since I was able to come home, I still can't sleep. I feel like I just can't trust anyone. I'm constantly worried that they're going to turn up and take me away again.'


This was originally on MHLO as a case - Re P (fair trial); Knowsley MBC v P [2013] MHLO 5 (COP) - but as I never found the transcript the press article has been added to the resources database instead.


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Type: News article🔍

Title: Pensioner 'held prisoner' by local council wins legal victory

Author: Judd, Terri🔍

Organisation: Independent🔍

Date: 8/2/13🔍

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