OPG, 'NHS and social care staff: check if a COVID-19 patient has an attorney or deputy' (5/2/21)

OPG procedure This guidance has been updated to add information about searching on behalf of patients in relation to coronavirus vaccinations.

Additional wording

  • Third paragraph: "If someone lacks the capacity to give consent to medical treatment such as being vaccinated, a deputy or attorney with health and welfare powers should make the decision for them." [presumably they mean this applies in certain circumstances]
  • Email subject line: "or ‘COVID-19 vaccination’ for vaccination requests"
  • Email template: "ascertaining whether this individual should have the COVID-19 vaccination, have a test or self-isolate"


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Type: Coronavirus resource🔍

Title: NHS and social care staff: check if a COVID-19 patient has an attorney or deputy

Organisation: Office of the Public Guardian🔍

Date: 5/2/21🔍

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