NHS North Central London ICB v Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability [2024] EWCOP 66 (T3)
Death (1) XR was in a permanent vegetative state, and the court decided that it was not in his best interests to continue to receive CANH as its benefits were significantly outweighed by its considerable day-to-day burdens. (2) The court was asked to provide guidance for cases where those charged with making a best interest decision considered it to be finely balanced due to the lack of information about a patient's likely wishes, feelings, beliefs and values. It declined to do so, preferring to await updated supplementary guidance to the 2020 RCP PDOC Guidelines which would address issues raised in recent cases. (3) The judge made comments and suggestions about the delay in making the court application, which had been contrary to XR's best interests.
2020 RCP PDOC Guidelines = Royal College of Physicians, 'Prolonged disorders of consciousness following sudden onset brain injury: National clinical guidelines' (2020)The following categories (in blue boxes) can be clicked to view a list of other pages in the same category: