Amended Pilot Practice Direction: Health, Education and Social Care Chamber of the First-Tier Tribunal (Mental Health) (Coronavirus, 14/9/20)
Mental Health Tribunal coronavirus Practice Direction This extends Pilot Practice Direction: Health, Education and Social Care Chamber of the First-Tier Tribunal (Mental Health) (Coronavirus, 19/3/20) until 18/3/21, with two amendments: (1) instead of "a judge alone shall make every decision unless the Chamber President [etc] considers it to be inappropriate in a particular case..." the new wording is "the provisions of the Composition Statement that apply to mental health cases shall be amended to include that a judge alone may make any decision (including decisions that dispose of proceedings) as directed by the Chamber President, Deputy Chamber President or an authorised salaried Judge in accordance with Amended Pilot Practice Direction: Panel Composition In The First-Tier Tribunal And The Upper Tribunal."; (2) instead of "it will not be 'practicable' under rule 34 of the 2008 Rules for any PHE examinations to take place" the new wording is "it shall be deemed not practicable under rule 34 of the 2008 Rules for any pre-hearing examinations to take place, unless the Chamber President [etc] direct that in the exceptional circumstances of a particular case it shall be practicable for such a pre hearing examination to take place, having regard to the overriding objective and any health and safety concerns. ...". Superseded by: Amended Pilot Practice Direction: Health, Education and Social Care Chamber of the First-Tier Tribunal (Mental Health) (18/3/21)
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Type: Coronavirus resource🔍 · Tribunal guidance🔍
Title: Amended Pilot Practice Direction: Health, Education and Social Care Chamber of the First-Tier Tribunal (Mental Health) (Coronavirus, 15/9/20)
Author: Lindblom, Keith🔍
Organisation: Mental Health Tribunal🔍
Date: 15/9/20🔍
What links here:
- Pilot Practice Direction: Health, Education and Social Care Chamber of the First-Tier Tribunal (Mental Health) (Coronavirus, 19/3/20)
- Mental Health Tribunal and coronavirus
- Re C [2020] MHLO 48 (FTT)
- Mental Health Tribunal, 'Video Hearing Guidance for Representatives in Mental Health Tribunals' (11/9/20)
- Amended Pilot Practice Direction: Panel Composition in the First-Tier Tribunal and the Upper Tribunal (Coronavirus, 14/9/20)
- EB v Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust [2020] UKUT 362 (AAC)
- Amended Pilot Practice Direction: Health, Education and Social Care Chamber of the First-Tier Tribunal (Mental Health) (18/3/21)
- Jonathan Wilson, 'Mental health: update' (Legal Action, March 2021)